Hello there!

As an artist living in Boulder, Colorado, lover of the outdoors, and all things watercolor, my goal is to share the joy of painting watercolors with the world.

But it wasn’t always like this…

before my YouTube channel. Before entering art shows. Before getting hired for art commissions. I was just a future artist full of fear surrounding my art.

I had always loved art and the artists who created it.

But being in my late 30’s, I felt I was late to the party.

I saw other INCREDIBLE artists whose skill and expertise seemed to flow effortlessly into their paintings. They seemed to have been born to do this (and apparently, taking art lessons since age 3).

Add on top of that…

as a busy wife and mom of 2 wonderful (but needy) kiddos, I was constantly aware of how difficult it was to find time to paint (and have it actually be relaxing).

But what I realized is when I just sat down and started painting without thinking about it, I had the most fun and got the best results.

Something about not having to try SOOO dang hard on each painting, but instead just enjoying the process.

And a funny thing happened…

I discovered these small commitments to painting each day made a HUGE difference in reducing my painting fear because I was TAKING ACTION!

Now don’t get me wrong, my first dozen or so attempts fell WAY short of the “masterpieces” I was aiming for.

But still, I saw myself learning and improving with each one.

By the time I got to 20th painting, my fear had totally subsided and I was actually having fun and my skills had increased big time!

Even if I could only practice for 20 minutes a day, these little practice “wins” energized me and pushed me to improve further.

Fast forward to when I started teaching watercolors…

and I decided to focus on this same type of “no pressure, just paint” instruction since it was so helpful in my learning journey.

I’ve now had the privilege of teaching thousands of aspiring artists the joy of painting watercolors through both my YouTube channel and my Watercolor Mastery membership program and am continually humbled by their results.

And that mission continues today…

as I mix, color-wash, and brush my heart into every painting resource I create. I strive to make every project accessible by teaching in easy to follow, bite-sized steps. And most importantly, bring out the FUN in every painting!

Checkout my FREE watercolor resources here:

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